Notas al pie

1 “Can you discuss the qualities of measures of a concept that is not clearly defined? Instead of routinely going on with the creation and discussion of nominal definitions of social capital, a different approach is requiered here. If the meaning of social capital depends on the actual circumstances in which the concept is use, we need a bottom-up approach; that is, we should try to locate common features of available applications of the concept in order to pin down its main characteristics. In this way, it will become clear which aspects are necessary to despict the core features of different conceptualizations of social capital.” Daniel Castiglione (Castiglione et al 2008:154)

2 ESS Round 5: European Social Survey Round 5 Data (2010). Data file edition 2.0. Norwegian Social Science Data Services, Norway – Data Archive and distributor of ESS data.)

3 El concepto de capital social está envuelto de ambigüedad y falta de consenso, algo que no es inusual entre los conceptos que se trabajan en las Ciencias Sociales (Castiglione, 2008).

4 “Social capital is greater for those more active in Internet communities in Japan (Miyata, Ikeda and Kobayashi), and for more active users of newspapers, telephones, and the Internet in the United States (Magee). “ (Lin 2008:8)

5 Para Lin (1999:37): “social capital is more than mere social relations and networks; it evokes the resources embedded and accessed.”

6 El capital social bridging generalmente es medido a través de la participación cívica, confianza generalizada y criminalidad (Poulsen et al. 2011:229)

7 La confianza “is the cognitive premise with which individual or collective/corporate actors enter into interaction with other actors. This cognitive premise relates to the behavioral preferences and inclinations of others in terms of their preparedness to contribute, to cooperate, and to refrain from selfish, opportunistic and hostile courses of action”. (Offe, 1999)

8 Aunque la investigación Montero et al. (2008: 47) encuentra lo contrario: “A este respecto, nuestros resultados son sorprendentes. Contrariamente a numerosos hallazgos empíricos previos, hemos descubierto que la confianza social y la confianza políticas están asociadas.”

9 “Although interpersonal trust – trust in a generalized other – is seen as one of the main components of social capital, it is difficult to agree with the thesis that this component is the best (single) indicator of social capital (notably, Uslaner, 2000; Delhey and Newton, 2005; Halpern, 2005). While these authors overestimate the significance of trust – and especially its operationalization and measurement – as being the best predictor of social capital, others omit it entirely from their analyses (Bartkowski & Jasinska- Kania, 2004)” (Adam, F., 2008:163).

10 Interesa notar que la definición de Granovetter (1973) de la fuerza del vínculo interpersonal alude a la confianza en tanto se trata de una “(probablemente lineal) combinación del tiempo, la intensidad emocional, intimidad (confianza mutua) y los servicios recíprocos que caracterizan a dicho vínculo”. Cada uno de estos aspectos es independiente del otro aunque el conjunto está altamente correlacionado.

11 “(…) something flows through these bridges and that whatever it is that flows actually plays an important role in the social life of individuals, groups, and societies” (Granovetter, 1983: 229).

12 “Another, more powerful form of biographical effect is position in the life course. Both the youngest and the oldest adults face many biographical constraints compared to people in mid-life in North America. The young and the old have no paid work or lower level work, while those in mid-life are at the peak of their careers. The young and the old have lower incomes, lower rates of activity in voluntary associations, and lower social standing than those in mid-life. Thus: Network diversity rises from youth to mid-life and then drops again into old age.” B. Erickson (2008)

13 “A ‘rise and fall’ of participation in adult years has been found with respect to life-cycles influences (jennings and Stocker, 2004), i.e involvement in voluntary associations and organizations steadly increases until people are middle-aged and then gradually decreases again”. (Van Ingen, 2008)

14 “Putnam (2000) is unsure how the Internet will affect social networks and civic engagement. Other researchers disagree on how the Internet affects social capital, and have had almost nothing to say about how the Internet affects civic engagement (…) different kind of Internet use have different kind of effects, some (but only some) of wich are important positive contributions to social capital and civic engagement” (Miyata, K. et al en Lin & Erickson, 2008: 206)

15 “The amount of the Internet experience might affect users’ social capital. Those who were long-term users were more likely to have a higher family connections and tolerance of diversity. Time is an important variable in creating satisfying relationships over the Internet (Park & Floyd, 1996; Walther, Anderson, & Park, 1994). New users may be less competent at using the medium to obtain social support resulting in less ability to compensate the lack of social cues available in e-mail (Walther, 1996). Matei (2004) reported that ethnically homogenous states tended more to create online groups which demonstrates that bonding social translated to the Internet as well (Matei, 2004). Those who are Internet users for a long period of time are more likely to be connected with the world by being informed of local and international news; and more likely to be familiar with different cultures which reduces their prejudice and racism and increases their tolerance of diversity .” (Sum 2008: 214).

16 “Results show that using the Internet to communicate with unknown people predicted participation in community. Lin stated that social participation via the Internet is a new form of civic association that, while performed in isolation, is one of the new forms of civic participation (N. Lin, 2001). In our study, using the Internet for communication predicted a feeling of trust, neighbourhood connection and value of life. (Sum et al. 2008:215)


18 El análisis factorial, por su parte, considera sólo la varianza compartida por las variables para estimar los factores. Ver discusión sobre análisis factorial y análisis de principales componentes en (Hair 2010: 108)

19 “(...) variance is a value that represents the total amount of dispersion of values for a single variable about its mean. When a variable is correlated with another variable, we many times say it shares variance with another variable, and the amount of sharing between just to variables is simple the square correlation.” (Hair 2010: 105). “Thus, the total variance of any variable is composed of its common, unique, and error variances. As a variable is more highly correlated with one or more variables, the common variance (communality) increases. However, if unrealiable measures or other sources of extraneous error variance are introduced, then the amount of possible common variance and the ability to relate the variable to any other variable are reduced” (Hair 2010: 107).


22 Ver frecuencias de variables dicotomizadas (alto, bajo) para la construcción del índice en el anexo IV : más del 60% de las personas de 65 años y más tiene confianza alta en la gente, considera que la gente es honrada y tiende a ayudar. Si consideramos que todos los ítems que miden el CS suman el 100%, la confianza social representa el 33%, la confianza en las instituciones el 31% (debido a la alta confianza en la policía), la confianza política el 11% y el aspecto estructural del CS (redes sociales y participación social) el 22%.

23 Memòria de Barri de la Torrassa

24 “Els escombriaires anaven pels barris tocant les trompetes i els enormes cabassos de goma que la gent anava omplint directament de les seves galledes (aleshores no hi havien bosses de plàstic, ni res que s'hi assemblés). Quan arribaven al sitial (que així s' anomenava el lloc on descarregaven els carros) es posava tota la família a triar la carretada. I allò, sí que era reciclar! Perquè allà s' hi aprofitava tot. En temps de la postguerra, quan hi havia molta gana, es buscaven les restes del menjar (patates, pomes, plàtans), que s 'hi podien aprofitar” El reciclatge: Els escombriaires de l'Hospitalet

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